Want Press? Add Media Insiders to Your Team (without paying thousands in retainer)
Media Mastery Institute Registration closes September 1st, 2020
You're trying to grow your business, build credibility, create awareness, and drive sales. So you spend thousands on marketing and PR with no results and it feels like you are marching in place.
What if you could do your own publicity using a proven method that guarantees press.
What if you could become the media's go-to-expert for your industry.
We all start out the same way, following the same advice…
Start a blog! Content marketing is your key to more traffic…
Make videos! YouTube is the 2nd biggest search engine…
Social media matters! People spend 3 hours every day on Facebook alone…
Build a mailing list! The money is always in the list…
Paid traffic! SEO is too competitive these days…What if you could do your own publicity
Here’s the truth…all of the methods above will grow your brand and influence.
But they will only take you so far. If you really want to grow, you know that you need press. It’s the one element that is the difference between where you are and where you want to be.
A few years ago, I had a conversation with an IT expert turned author. He believed that his book was was so good that it would "change the divorce rate in America,"
As you can imagine, I had a lot of questions like, “How many books have you sold?
He told me stories of couples and single men and women who had implemented his ideas in the book and had seen incredible results but he didn't answer my question. I kept asking more question:
"What makes you different than other relationship experts?"
"How will people know you wrote a book?"
"How will you get it into the hands of the people who need it?
This is when he realized he was so focused on writing the best book he could, he thought people would somehow know his content was good and would be knocking on his door to buy it.
My team and I created a media strategy starting with local print and digital media. We began to pitch him as the relationship expert on local talk show segments and that led us on year long media tour. He appeared on TV segments, radio shows and in print all over the country. Seven months into our media tour, CNN came knocking. He was booked for a 5 minute segment as a relationship expert. The media appearances led to book sales, speaking engagements, events and a six figure business.
You Need More Visibility. You Need More Credibility, You Need Print, TV, Radio and Digital Press.
Unlike our author, you may already have a website, a blog, YouTube channel, paid traffic, ambassadors for your product, service, book and brand -- but the harsh reality is that you know you need press to take your business to the next level.
I know you’ve probably heard that print is dead, nobody watches TV and digital is hit and miss. But, let me ask you something… who would you trust more. Someone who has been featured in Oprah’s magazine, The New York Times or on a TV segment -- or someone you’ve never heard of.
There are a lot of people who will have you believe that the value of traditional media is shrinking… that having a huge Instagram following is more powerful than a good ol’ fashion TV spot. But in a world where you can buy fake followers, be a guest blogger overnight and be a citizen correspondent without any real credentials -- we still need the New York Times, NPR and BBC’s of the world to sift through what’s real and what’s not.
And if you want coverage from any of those media outlets -- you must first go through their vetting process to get their seal of approval.
But don’t freak out. That’s why I want to help.
Introducing 9-Year-old Milla whose story went viral.
A friend introduced me to 9-year-old Milla who had started a GoFundMe page to fight against bullying. I looked at what Milla was doing and my 20 years of journalistic and publicity training told me that this little girl and her story had the potential to go global and viral.
Milla was raising money to run a 24 hour adult only race that was designed by the Navy Seals. She was going to be the first minor to ever compete. I walked Milla and her dad through the footage we would need to capture in order to tell her story on a television platform. I was able to write, produce and report Milla’s success on the obstacle course. The report aired on CBS Miami and was picked up by other syndicated CBS television stations around the country. knew the national media would be knocking at their door requesting interviews. It was the perfect opportunity to position Milla for sponsorship and brand exposure.
In less than a week after Milla’s story aired, she was a worldwide sensation. The "Today Show" called her "G.I. Jane." Their lives have never been the same since. Milla helped save her dad's gym, has received countless sponsorships to participate in competitions around the country, and she represent products. She is also the face of anti-bullying campaigns.
About The Course Curator,
Just in case you didn’t catch it… my name is Silva Harapetian and I’m an award winning journalist, entrepreneur and Amazon Best Selling Author. I’ve spent 20 years working in print, radio and television behind the scenes and in front of a camera in newsrooms across the country. I’ve read and reviewed hundreds of thousands of pitches and news releases and booked thousands of guests for talk shows and news segments. I know the vetting process and what it really takes to get their seal of approval. I know how producers think, what gets their attention, what happens in editorial meetings and the conversations that determine whether someone or something gets press or not.
If Your Self Doubt is Kicking in, Put It on Hold!
You don’t need to have thousands dollars, millions of social media followers, the most perfect website, or even a ton of customers and clients -- what you need is the desire to be the expert and a strategy for how to get there.
The way most publicists pitch their clients -- is a sure way of ending up in the media trash bin. The media doesn’t care that you just wrote a book, started a business, or launched a new product, -- and that you think it’s the greatest thing since sliced bread.
The media is a servant to their viewers, listeners and readers. They publicize what they think their audience would find interesting. The audience does not find the fact that you wrote a book or that you opened a restaurant or that you are the best lawyer in your field, interesting.
Believe it or not – this is not some magical question that only I -- with my media background -- can answer. There is a formula to answering this question that I’ve tested and perfected over the last 20 years. And you can use it too -- to get the media knocking on your door.
If you’ve ever tried hiring a publicist, you may be thinking…I don’t have that kind of budget. Or, maybe you have spent thousands of dollars on a publicist and have nothing to show for it.
But here’s the kicker, you don’t need a publicist to get started. There are some strategic things you can do to position yourself to guarantee media coverage.
In talking to other small businesses, solo-preneurs, authors and non-profits, I discovered that they all had great stories and should have gotten publicity and press, but they simply didn’t know where to begin and what to do.
Special offer! Enroll now and get 50% off!
The media isn’t looking to qualify you, they actually want to disqualify you.
1. It all starts with a Media Audit...
There are a number of things that journalists and producers look for before approving you as a guest or offering to feature you or your business in a story. This is the media protecting itself. If the media doesn't vet you properly, their job and reputation is on the line. What exactly are they looking for? You only know what those things are if you’ve been on the inside working in a newsroom. If you’re not properly positioning yourself to pass a media audit, you might as well be burning your money. Passing the media audit is the first step to getting media’s seal of approval.
3. Research, Research, Research
Research isn’t a sexy word when it comes to publicity but
it is perhaps the one thing that can make or break you.
Also, the right type of research will help create a system for you to find the right journalists and producers whose job is to cover the topics for which you are an expert. Most publicists and big agencies have too many clients to take the time to do this, and just end up pitching you to a generic list. You need to know how to be strategic with your media outreach to make sure you (and your publicist if you decide to eventually hire one) get results.
2. What’s in Your News Release?
The media only cares about its viewers, readers, and listeners. When sending a News Release it is imperative that you explain why you are interesting to the audience. Most publicists are terrible at pitching their clients because they don’t focus on what the media wants. For example, a publicist/PR agency pitches their client who wrote a book about finance. Yawn! Who cares? Positioning is everything. What the media wants is a financial expert who can put financial matters into context. Offering that kind of value would get a client booked.
BONUS: When to Pitch.
You know that old saying in the entrepreneurial world that “done is better than perfect”. That’s not the case with the
media. One perfect pitch is a thousand times better than a
half-thought out pitch sent to a hundred people. If you want to make sure your pitch ends up in the trash, spell a journalists name wrong. Or, address the pitch to the worng outlet. Or, send the wrong pitch to the wrong department. Journalists, producers and editorial staff are very meticulous people with very deep and long memory. We want to know you've done research and that you want us to take you seriously.
I created the Media Mastery Institute to teach entrepreneurs like you how to pitch yourself to the press, and gain brand recognition without spending thousands of dollars on a publicist. I guarantee your success, if you follow our system step by step. It’s not an overnight process, but it WORKS for any business. And just to prove it, here are some of our success stories...
Special offer! Enroll now and get 50% off!
Here’s what people are saying about the course
Wouldn’t it make more sense to do your own publicity, be your own PR team and grow your own brand. Once you get coverage you can continue to leverage it for years to come? Thats exactly what some of my clients have done.
Aron Renfrew
High Performance Coach
"She gave me a voice when I wasn't able to find one before."
"I am a relatively shy individual. Silva helped me find the most valuable parts of my story. Working with her was one of the most proud experiences I have had. I am now able to use my experience to benefit others. I think that’s the most powerful gift anyone can give.”
Liz Becker
Co-Founder of NADP
"She is an expert in breaking down complicated media processes and making access available to anyone who is willing to do the work."
“Divorce is a very difficult subject matter. It is not inspiring. Silva helped guide them to find the power in their own story by showing them the power of vulnerability. She then gave them a step by step process for replicating connections with their clients.”
Kathleen Monahan,
South Florida SPCA
"The SPCA has received television news coverage multiple times on multiple topics."
“As a result of our work with Silva, we at the the SPCA, learned how to tell our story in a manner that makes the community care and want to participate in our work. The storied that were placed in the media went viral and received national and international attention as well as online placement.”
Module 1: The Power of the Media and How to Use it
1. Understanding different Media platforms and how to use them
2. How to use the power of the media to create a campaign
3. The tools and resources to make media outreach easy
Module 2: Find Your Story & Media That Wants it
1. Learn the different types of stories media is looking for
2. Discover the elements that make for a news-worthy story
3. Find your story and the media outlet that wants it
Module 3: Position Your Brand & Grab Attention
1. Social media, media success and the platform that works best for you
2. Find your social media strategy and building a roadmap
3. Find your unique positioning, your PR strategy, and claim your "expert-status"
Module 4: Pitch Yourself to The Media
1. Learn step-by-step system to pitch yourself consistently
2. Generate stories that are timely and fit into the media cycle
2. How create authentic relationships with the decision makes in the media industry
If you want to grow your business into high six- or seven-figures, then you must get comfortable with the media. That starts with your branding, being media ready, and your story. This program is going to help you get there. Stop waiting for opportunities to simply appear, and go out and get them for yourself! Here are 3 more reason why you should take action NOW!
Build Your Own Media Kit & Pitch
All the work you've done in the Media Mastery course has prepared you to put a kick-ars media kit together. How you put your media kit together will determine if your story gets picked up or end up being ignored.
In this BONUS, you'll learn how to create a media kit in 10 steps.
Don't know what to say when your sending your media kit to the media? Use template pitch letters to make the story irresistible to the media.
Write Effective News Releases
A news release is how to invite the media to cover your story, introduce them to a new brand or invite them to an event. How you write that news release makes the difference between getting coverage or hearing crickets.
In the BONUS, you'll learn about all the elements of a news release and how to write one that will get media's attention.
You'll also get templates of different news releases that will help save you time.
Access to Network of Journalists
One of the most difficult parts of getting publicity is knowing who and how to reach the right media professional. Having access to the right journalist, producer and editor is part of an effective PR strategy.
In this BONUS, you'll get access to my personal network of journalist, producers, writers and editors. You'll also have access to a very large list of media professionals that are looking for your specific story. Part of positioning yourself as an expert is creating relationships with the media.
What happens when you've gone through the program? You built a media kit and have written your news releases. NOW WHAT?
This is where most Media programs leave you hanging. But, we’re not going to do that…we are going to give you everything you need to begin pitching and Become The Go-To Expert The Media Loves.
LIVE Support
Insert Every week, you'll have access to me and to my network of journalist, producers and media insiders to give you behind the scenes access to how to get your brand or business in the media.
Submit Questions
You'll be able to submit your questions, pitches and news releases for review. Run your ideas by me and my team and get immediate feedback before you event begin to pitch.
Downloadable Templates
You'll have downloadable Email Pitch Letter, News Release templates as well a Media Kit Templates you can use. Plug your information in and you're ready to go.
Media Contact List
You will have access to a very large media contact list. No more searching for numbers and email address, just look up who you want to pitch and boom!
Don't wait! Look at what past students have to say...
Denise Tamir
“Silva inspired me with her content. When she said that we have a responsibility to put this information out there for the public. She reminded me that what I have and what I bring to the table has a lot of value and if I present it to people I can actually help them even if I don’t meet them.”
Racheli Rafael
Mortgage Broker
“I felt that push to finally go do it...to finally go tell my story. If I have some secret information that is a jewel for people but they don’t know that I know this information -- shame on me for not knowing how to share it. Silva opened my eyes that I need to put myself out there and share what I know.”
Annette Alvarez
Global Ties Director
“I started looking at the ways we get media a little differently. Silva showed us how to get media attention not just on the local news but also how we can branch out. I knew we had a disconnect between what we were doing and who we were doing it for...and Silva's examples…put the everything into context for [our organization] and as a result we have been able to secure media coverage.”
One-Time Investment
Full Price $899.98
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One sentence summary of what they get
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One sentence summary of what they get
Media Mastery Institute Registration closes September 1st, 2020
100% Satisfaction Guarantee for 30-Days
This program is backed by my 100% guarantee. If you feel it does not help you in any way to get more press, build credibility, and increase your brand awareness, simply email me for a fast, courteous refund. Know that we will need to see all the work that you’ve done through each module, because our number one goal is to help you succeed with this program. We are committed to seeing you achieve your media dreams.
If you're still thinking you can do this on your own or maybe Google is going to give you the answers...you're right...partially. You'll find the basics of what you need free and from people who do not have the proper credentials to show you what really works. If you want the right information combined with a proven system and the resources to position yourself to get media coverage...it's time to take action!
Frequently Asked Questions
Does media coverage really matter when we live in a world where social media has taken over? Will it really make a difference in my business?
I've tried reaching out to the media and have not seen any results. I even hired a PR firm. Why would I try again?
I don't have a story. Why would the media want to talk to me or feature my business?
This is your time! Don't Wait!!
You have what it takes to be the go-to-expert in your industry and have the media knocking on your door. What are you waiting for? This course is a blue print that will help you breakthrough that marketing plateau. I invite you to join me and the Media Mastery Community to claim your place in the media spotlight.